CERTITUDE @ Austrian Platform Engineering Community

As in previous years, the “Austrian Platform Engineering Community” event took place on May 16, 2024, at the BRZ. The one-day event, organized in cooperation with BRZ and Red Hat, featured presentations and discussions on platform engineering. This year, Certitude contributed with a talk titled “Practical Handling of Image Vulnerabilities.”

Technologies like Kubernetes and OpenShift enable faster and standardized software development nowadays. However, these technologies also bring their own challenges, particularly regarding security. One major challenge is the high number of publicly known vulnerabilities. Security scanners detect these vulnerabilities in images, which are the foundation of modern software. Companies often lack processes for properly handling these vulnerabilities, and scanner tools identify an overwhelming number of them.

Marc Nimmerrichter and Alexander Hurbean, Kubernetes security experts from Certitude, gave a presentation on how to manage these image vulnerabilities. They highlighted that it is possible not only to react to these issues but also to take preventive measures to eliminate many vulnerabilities and significantly reduce the number of false positives. The presentation included a sample scenario demonstration and concrete recommendations for practical handling based on evaluations. The high level of interest and active discourse during the presentation underscored the importance of this topic for many platform engineers.

Certitude thanks BRZ and Red Hat for the excellent planning, organization, and execution of an event that brings the Austrian platform engineering community together. We look forward to seeing you at the next “Austrian Platform Engineering Community” event.